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Rewellme app: reset your mindset

Hello, I'm Andrew Belaveshkin , MD PhD, and creator of  Rewellme app ( AppStore , GooglePlay or Web ):   an evidence-based approach to psychotherapy and mental health based on visual metaphors, mental contrasting, and a card system. Having worked with patients in the field of preventive medicine and healthy lifestyles for a long time, I noticed that the biggest problem is not a lack of knowledge. People already know very well what is useful and what is harmful. The problem is the gap between knowledge and intention. Of course, some manage to jump over this gap by force of will, find themselves in a favorable environment, and have inspiring examples before their eyes. But for many people this is a difficult task.   How to make it easier? I have always thought about this for a long time and looked for answers from experts and scientific research. How to create motivation? I noticed that metaphors are very effective. A well-chosen comparison, metaphor, contrast helped

Memory cards


Memory cards

Using past success cards to overcome challenges and strengthen your belief system. Often, when we face failure, our self-confidence takes a hit. Depression and burnout can dim our memory of positive experiences, making it challenging to notice and remember good things. In times of information overload and stress, our focus narrows, and we might feel adrift, questioning our goals and values. However, the Rewellme app can help you rejuvenate and reinforce the foundation of your beliefs.

Memory cards are a valuable tool for transforming your past experiences into therapeutic support for the present. By recalling your past successes, you can boost your motivation and equip yourself to face current challenges. It's easy to underestimate the power of revisiting your accomplishments, but it can be a crucial source of strength.

Remembering your achievements doesn't just serve as a pat on the back; it fuels your determination to move forward. It's a reminder that your efforts are more than just a way to pass the time. These reminders become your anchor during difficult times. Everyone encounters ups and downs in life, and it's precisely during those down moments when past successes become your lifeline.

By holding onto these tokens of your achievements, you ensure you never forget your past triumphs, particularly when you need a morale boost. In moments of panic and despair, it's easy to forget how resilient and powerful you were in overcoming previous obstacles. However, acknowledging that you've conquered challenges before can reassure you that you can and will navigate your current difficulties. These memories act as evidence that you can persevere through challenging situations and emerge triumphant.


“Memory is extremely powerful,” said Denise R. Beike, associate professor of psychology. “Are there reasons you might want to keep a memory open? Yes. One reason is that you can use it to help you be inspired and motivated toward some goal.”


Examples of memory cards.

1. Past Achievements: Your accomplishments, goals, and every effort you've made to chase your dreams. They reflect your values and actions, shaping your self-identity and your path forward.

2. Positive Memory Bank: This includes any past experiences associated with positive emotions like admiration, wonder, gratitude, and more. You can use the app as a photo album that you access regularly. Carefully selected photos, instead of thousands of useless photos on your phone.

3. Cherished Moments: These are the good things, even those from today, that you wish to hold onto. It could be a compliment that still warms your heart years later or the delight and amazement you feel about the world, emotions you want to preserve.


Gratitude Memory Cards

Gratitude has a host of proven benefits. Research shows that expressing thanks and appreciating blessings can lead to improved sleep, reduced stress, and better relationships with others. Recent studies even suggest that keeping a gratitude journal can decrease materialism and increase generosity in adolescents. Gratitude might also help lower the risk of heart disease and alleviate symptoms of depression in some cases.

One effective way to experience these benefits is by creating gratitude lists. You have the freedom to direct your thanks toward God, the universe, or whatever resonates with you personally. Whether you prefer to keep your gratitude private or share it with others is entirely up to you. Discovering the best way to access and express gratitude is a personal journey. Take the time to reflect on what feels natural and meaningful to you. For some, starting the day with a dose of morning gratitude can be truly transformative.


The Importance of Remembering Past Successes

We often underestimate the power of recalling our past achievements. However, it can be a valuable source of motivation and strength. Here's why it's essential:

1.     Boosting Motivation: Taking a moment each day to reflect on your past successes provides the inner strength to keep moving forward. It's a reminder that your efforts have a purpose beyond mere time-wasting.

2.     Staying Motivated in Tough Times: During challenging periods in life, like when you're feeling down, your past successes can serve as beacons of hope. They remind you of your resilience and capability.

3. Reminders of Achievements: Awards and mementos of your accomplishments act as constant reminders of your past successes. These reminders can be especially helpful during low moments when you need a morale boost.

4.     Proof of Resilience: Sometimes, in moments of panic and despair, we forget the strength we demonstrated in overcoming previous obstacles. Reflecting on these past victories can reassure you that you've weathered storms before and can do it again.

5.     A Mental Pep Talk: Use these memories as a mental pep talk to maintain focus on your current goals. They serve as living proof that you can overcome challenges and come out on top. Incorporating these memories into your daily life can provide a significant source of motivation and a reminder of your own capabilities.



Creating Memory Cards: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Card side 1 - The Memory Card:
    • Select an image, photo, or drawing that represents your cherished memory.
    • Describe the memory in detail, including sensory elements like sounds, music, and scents. Immerse yourself in the memory to evoke gratitude, joy, and success.
  2. Card side 2 - The Transformation Card:
    • Connect your pleasant memory to the present moment.
    • Convert the positive emotions from your memory into an act of kindness or a productive action today.
    • Recognize that your past success can boost your self-confidence and serve as a valuable resource for achieving success today.
    • Identify the methods that led to your past accomplishments and consider how you can apply them to your current goals.
  3. Immerse and Integrate:
    • Immerse yourself in the memory represented on Card 1.
    • Then, flip the card over, integrating the memory's positive emotions into your present reality.
    • Feel how this memory transforms into a resource that empowers you in the present moment.




Memory cards and power of nostalgia

Recent research shows that it can be quite beneficial. Taking just five minutes to indulge in nostalgic memories can boost your positivity and optimism. Reminiscing about the good times in your past can enhance your confidence in the future and elevate your self-esteem. Nostalgia helps you find meaning in your experiences, discover the purpose of life, and heighten your inspiration. It also fosters empathy, a sense of connection with others, and reduces feelings of loneliness.

Nostalgia has a "warm" quality, which can be especially comforting during cold or cool times. It alleviates boredom and anxiety, fostering forgiveness and generosity. Sharing nostalgic moments brings friends and partners closer and enhances team spirit. A few minutes of nostalgia can make you more open to new experiences, boost your creativity, and increase your sense of hope.

So, how can you tap into the power of nostalgia? It can be triggered by smells, music, memories, or photographs. Holidays, like birthdays and weddings, often evoke nostalgic feelings. People turn to nostalgic memories to deal with stress and uncertainty – for example, more than 50% of respondents enjoy watching movies and listening to music from their youth during such times. Nostalgic memories are more vivid and enjoyable for those who savor events and remain mindful.

Build your own "nostalgic" library – a collection of happy moments in the form of photographs, places, scents, songs, books, and emotions. Regularly revisit this collection for relaxation and inspiration. You can also virtually travel through places from your past using Google Street View. Avoid comparing your past life to the present; instead, focus on discovering the meaning and purpose of your life. Remember that your memories are unique cognitive and cultural assets that belong to you alone. The more meaningful moments you capture, the richer your treasure trove of nostalgia becomes.




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Combating Loneliness With Nostalgia: Nostalgic Feelings Attenuate Negative Thoughts and Motivations Associated With Loneliness Front. Psychol., 23 June 2020 

Is Nostalgia a Past or Future-Oriented Experience? Affective, Behavioral, Social Cognitive, and Neuroscientific EvidenceFront Psychol. 2020; 11: 1133.

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